Roberto Gherardi de Candei wrote:
>some user's of my mailman server, have been removed or disable in a way to
>me unknow. At a stretch I write an extract of the bounce log. you are able
>does understands me the problem?
>Oct 23 09:00:01 2009 (10935) Notifying disabled member
>s.mantega...@inail.itfor list: cral-lazio
>Oct 23 09:00:01 2009 (10935) cral-lazio: deleted after
>exhausting notices
>Oct 23 09:00:01 2009 (10935) Notifying disabled member
>a.nada...@inail.itfor list: cral-lazio
>Oct 23 09:00:01 2009 (10935) cral-lazio: deleted after
>exhausting notices

I don't see a problem.

Your list is configured to process bounces automatically. See the
Bounce processing Section in the admin web interface.

The members that were removed had delivery disabled after list mail to
them was bounced on at least bounce_score_threshold days. A notice was
sent to the user (which probably also bounced) and then after
bounce_you_are_disabled_warnings_interval days, a second notice was
sent and so on until a total of bounce_you_are_disabled_warnings
notices had been sent. Then after
bounce_you_are_disabled_warnings_interval more days, the above was
logged and the users were removed from the list.

This is how it is supposed to work.

If you go back bounce_you_are_disabled_warnings_interval *
bounce_you_are_disabled_warnings days (21 days with default settings,
i.e. October 1 or 2) you will find the initial 'disabling due to
bounce score' messages for these users. If
bounce_notify_owner_on_disable was Yes at that time, the list owner
should have been sent a notice which contained the triggering bounce.
If the problem is that these are valid addresses and all the affected
addresses are in the domain, then the problem may be that
your MTA is improperly configured and can't deliver mail for that

Mark Sapiro <>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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