John wrote:

>I am having problems with my service provider handling outgoing list email... I
>would like to temporarily disable bounce handling for debug so I can see the
>complete bounces immediately.

If you have access to the mailman installation, change the list-bounces
alias to go to you.

Otherwise, all you can do is make sure that
bounce_notify_owner_on_disable is Yes so that when a member's delivery
is disabled by bounce you receive the notice which contains the full
bounce message. You can also reduce the threshold to cause delivery to
be disabled and a notice sent on the first bounce, but if you do that
in Mailman prior to 2.1.10, a bug in cron/disabled will possibly
disable delivery for users with stale bounce info.

Mark Sapiro <>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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