Marie Ingabire wrote:
>I'm learning how to use mailman mailing list. Still now, everything goes
>right. When a moderator refuses that a message can not be delivered, is
>there a way to find it in archive?
>I only find in archive the messages approved

That is because the archive only contains messages delivered to the
list. Would you really want spam and/or other posts that a moderator
deemed inappropriate to be in the list's archive?

When a moderator rejects or discards a post, there is a check box to
preserve the message for the site admin. Such messages are copied to a
directory named (by default) 'spam' in Mailman's file structure. This
may not be satisfactory, as it requires a specific moderator action
and the place where the messages are saved is not generally web
accessable (although it could be), but it is the only option for
'archiving' rejected or discarded posts.

Mark Sapiro <>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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