--On December 17, 2009 1:21:35 PM -0600 Paul Kleeberg <p...@fpen.org> wrote:

I am ready to tear my hair out.

Thanks to Mark, I got mailman up and running except for one minor hitch.
In my log file I see an endless stream of:

        12/17/09 11:56:49 AM com.apple.launchd[1] (org.list.mailmanctl)
Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds    12/17/09 11:57:00 AM
com.apple.launchd[1] (org.list.mailmanctl) Throttling respawn: Will start
in 10 seconds

Searching the archives, I found this (The thread starts at

> The only difference between my org.list.mailmanctl.plist and Apple's is
> my verb *start*, as opposed to Apple's *startf*. I'm baffled by
> *startf*, which is not supported by mailman and does nothing, either in
> the CLI or in org.list.mailmanctl.plist.

At one point, I compared the stock mailmanctl with that from the one Apple distributes with Mac OS X Server. The only difference was that the 'start' stanza in main() had been cloned as a 'startf' stanza, with a couple of relatively minor changes, primarily (if I remember correctly) to make it not daemonize, since things run from launchd aren't allowed to daemonize. I *think* that that's what's leading to the problem you see -- mailmanctl daemonizes, launchd cleans it up and it respawns, eventually triggering the error.

For my Mailman install on Mac OS X (client, not server) I gave up on using launchd to start Mailman at boot time, and just used an old-style StartupItem. I did make launchd scripts for all the Mailman stuff that's normally run out of cron; see the archives of this list for information about those.

In short, if you want to use launchd to start Mailman at boot time, I think that you're going to have to look at Apple's version of mailmanctl, and make equivalent changes to the stock mailmanctl to provide a 'startf' variant. If you do that, I urge you to try to do it in a cleaner way than Apple's hack -- my memory is that there were so few differences that it was a crime that they'd just duplicated the entire block of code and commented out parts.

NOTE: I was doing this comparison between the mailmanctl from Mac OS X Server 10.5, not 10.6, so it's possible that they cleaned up their act and did things differently. But a quick side-by-side compare of their mailmanctl and the stock one should get you pointed in the right direction.

Steve Burling                                    <mailto:s...@umich.edu>
University of Michigan, ICPSR                    Voice: +1 734 615.3779
330 Packard Street                               FAX:   +1 734 647.8700
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-2910
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