On Dec 22, 2009, at 7:21 PM, John Fitzsimons wrote:

> One can run "a local NNTP server" now. That connects to Mailman. I
> assume that you are meaning that if Twisted were installed then
> Twisted, or will it be Mailman, would provide the server ? 

Twisted would provide the server.  The only reason I'm thinking Twisted is 
because it might be easier to configure permissions for and integrate with 
Mailman.  But there might be other options, e.g. along the lines of using 
dovecot for IMAP.

> Okay, but I am assuming that Gmane has port 119 open. Many sites that
> provide Mailman wouldn't have it open. How could that be overcome ?

Well, you'd have to open the appropriate port.  Gmane is a fine service, but 
it's run by a party you don't control.  The idea here is to run a server that 
you do control for sites that want to do that.


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