The only thing in mailman/archive/private/perl-ad-manager-users is the
index.html. Not much in the logs:

[r...@bushlms01 logs]# grep perl-ad *
post:Jan 20 12:42:44 2010 (2095) post to perl-ad-manager-users from, size=5878,
message-id=<07a371d457b501478c1db3c3de8372d7055dd...@gsbhex2v.gsb.uchica>, success
post:Jan 20 12:55:51 2010 (2095) post to perl-ad-manager-users from, size=5892,
message-id=<07a371d457b501478c1db3c3de8372d7055dd...@gsbhex2v.gsb.uchica>, success
post:Jan 20 13:48:12 2010 (2095) post to perl-ad-manager-users from, size=5938,
message-id=<07a371d457b501478c1db3c3de8372d7055dd...@gsbhex2v.gsb.uchica>, success
smtp:Jan 20 12:26:23 2010 (2095)
> smtp for 1 recips, completed in 0.056 seconds
smtp:Jan 20 12:29:16 2010 (2095)
> smtp for 1 recips, completed in 0.086 seconds
smtp:Jan 20 12:29:33 2010 (2095)
> smtp for 1 recips, completed in 0.064 seconds
smtp:Jan 20 12:29:49 2010 (2095)
> smtp for 1 recips, completed in 0.063 seconds
smtp:Jan 20 13:04:16 2010 (2095)
> smtp for 1 recips, completed in 0.711 seconds
smtp:Jan 20 13:05:17 2010 (2095)
smtp for 1 recips, completed in 0.070 seconds
subscribe:Jan 20 12:27:37 2010 (15857) perl-ad-manager-users: new
"" <>, admin mass sub
subscribe:Jan 20 12:29:15 2010 (15904) perl-ad-manager-users: deleted; member mgt page
subscribe:Jan 20 12:29:32 2010 (15909) perl-ad-manager-users: pending
Darren Young <>
subscribe:Jan 20 12:29:48 2010 (15915) perl-ad-manager-users: new
"" <Darren Young>, via web confirmation
subscribe:Jan 20 13:04:14 2010 (21806) perl-ad-manager-users: pending
Dan <>
subscribe:Jan 20 13:05:15 2010 (2092) perl-ad-manager-users: new
"" <Dan>, via email confirmation
subscribe:Jan 20 13:47:30 2010 (28202) perl-ad-manager-users: new
"" <>, admin mass

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Sapiro []
> Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 1:57 PM
> To: Young, Darren;
> Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Archives
> Young, Darren wrote:
> >I've enabled archives on a mailing list with the following:
> >archive = yes
> >archive_private = public
> >archive_volume_frequency = Monthly
> [...]
> >However, in /usr/local/mailman/archives/public there's no directories
> >and in the browser I get a URL not found error. I've posted a couple
> >messages to the list and they're being delivered to members so
> how/when
> >are the archives created?
> There are no archives in /usr/local/mailman/archives/public. The
> archives are in /usr/local/mailman/archives/private whether or not
> they are public. For a public archive, there is also a symlink from
> /usr/local/mailman/archives/public/list to
> /usr/local/mailman/archives/private/list.
> The initial 'empty' archive (just the
> /usr/local/mailman/archives/private/list/index.html file and the
> /usr/local/mailman/archives/private/list.mbox/ directory) is created
> when the list is created whether or not archiving is enabled.
> There is probably some error in archiving resulting in log entries and
> shunted messages destined for the archive. What's in Mailman's error
> log?
> --
> Mark Sapiro <>        The highway is for gamblers,
> San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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