
Here's a wishlist item for mailman 3.0.

I've no use for "web forums", but it seems that
they are here to stay and sometimes a requirement.

It occurs to me that if the mailman 3.0 archiver
user interface had a "send mail" feature then
it would, in essence, become a "web forum".
(Especially if the archiver behaves as described
in the todo list and displays all messages
in a thread at once.)
Of course it would need an authentication database
but I presume that's already (for some value
of already) built-in and integrated with the
regular mailing list authentication database.

If people want "forum only" access they'd need
to turn off receipt of all mail in their user
preferences.  It might be nice if there was
a configurable option that set this property
one way or the other by default, as well as
giving a new user the option to set the 
"send me mail" flag when using the web interface
to sign on to a list.


Karl <k...@meme.com>
Free Software:  "You don't pay back, you pay forward."
                 -- Robert A. Heinlein

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