On 18/04/10 01:43, Mark Sapiro wrote:
Mark Sapiro wrote:

It appears that you (or someone) has installed the
Spamassassin.py/spamd.py custom handler from
<https://bugs.launchpad.net/mailman/+bug/557991>  and included it in
the GLOBAL_PIPELINE or a lists' pipeline.

Actually, on closer inspection, I think the most current
Spamassassin.py/spamd.py code is at

I have added a patch to spamd in comment # 23 of the report which I
think will prevent shunting of the message when this exception occurs,
and just log a one-line error log entry instead.

Thanks for the help, especially on a Saturday evening!

Patch sorted it all out, getting one line logs for the spamassassin timeouts, but at least the legit messages are getting delivered.

James Kemp

my games at http://www.full-moon.info/

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