Geoff & Mark
I appreciate the info. I'll try the settings and see if everything works as I need it to.


Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 12:19 PM
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Help with Mailman configuration

On Wed, 16 Jun 2010, Keith Blackie wrote:

I have a mailing list that I need to setup. This mailing list will comprise
of several hundred addresses that will be subscribed by using the mass
subscription function. I need the following in place:

1) Only admins, moderators and list owner may post to mailing list - all
other posts are deleted

Short answer: Make all new members moderated by default and set member moderation action to either reject or discard (both of these are in Privacy>Sender filters). Then unmoderate those who are allowed to post.

Long answer: There is an FAQ on one-way lists.

2) Sender is anonymous

Anonymous_list in General options.

3) Recipients may reply to the email and it will be sent to the admin and/or
moderator and list owner

In General Options, set it to strip any reply-to addresses, then set the reply-to to a specific address and set the address to reply to. I suggest (obviously substitute listname ane as appropriate).

4) No subscription notification or unsub notification should be sent

This is also in General Options - admin_notify_mchanges

5) Unsubscribe recipient immediately if email address fails and notify admin
and/or moderator and list owner

I assume you mean if the address bounces during normal list use. This would probably require changes to Mailman's bounce processing. You could set the bounce threshold very low and it will suspend delivery with a notificatio, but it won't unsubscribe them immediately.

6) Users may not subscribe

I think this can be done but not sure exactly how. Maybe by banning everyone? I vaguely recall a simpler way but it's not coming to me.

7) Users may unsubscribe themselves

This is normal.

This is on a server for which I have only the administrative access to my
mailing lists. I hope I can get this in place and working properly, or at
least something close.

The above should be possible without access to the shell. If you want to hack the bounce processing then this will require shell access and will of course affect all lists.


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