* Paul Flower <p...@amdaat.com.au>:
> Should have put this in the first post.
> Jun 17 20:23:42 ns0 sendmail[23013]: o5HCNfne023011: 
> to="|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman post members", 
> ctladdr=<memb...@makos.com.au> (8/0), delay=00:00:00, xdelay=00:00:00, 
> mailer=prog, pri=53518, dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent

And after that? That's goes INTO mailman, and causes the admin mail
"there's sth to approve"

Note the timestamp: 20:23:42 + 14.395 < 20:23:58 

Please do grep for the messageid: 001d01cb0e17$ebfc2c80$c3f485...@com.au

> > Mailman smtp log - Jun 17 20:23:58 2010 (2599)
> > <001d01cb0e17$ebfc2c80$c3f485...@com.au> smtp to members for 152 recips,
> > completed in 14.395 seconds
> And in your MTA's logs?
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