Rob Lingelbach wrote:

>I would be very interested in hearing of various mechanisms for trimming 
>over-quoting, including a hold on replies that match some kind of regexp.  I 
>know about M. Sapiro's posting at 
>which refers me (in the bottom link) to the FAQ _in toto_, but if there's a 
>more pointed location or recent thread, I'd like to know.

Actually, that FAQ link used to go to the specific article which is now
at <> before the FAQ was moved.

That FAQ discusses how to install custom handlers to do these kinds of

>Before I started running Mailman a decade or two ago, I used SmartList, for 
>which I wrote and contributed a quote-aware filter.  I would be interested in 
>contributing this work to Mailman if it hasn't already been done, or 
>superseded by other concerns.

I too would be interested if this is done using Python or if it can be
refactored for Python.

Mark Sapiro <>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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