franc walter wrote:

>Am Sat, 10 Jul 2010 08:09:45 -0700 schriebst du:
>> This mail is originally to and is mapped by
>> virtual_alias_maps to the local address 'test' to which Postfix
>> appends its cannonical hostname. Thus the mail is mapped to
>So if i use a list called like the email-name of somebody in the
>domain, this means HE will get the mails for the list???
>Very funny.

Yes, there are naming restrictions and in the default configurations, a
list may not have the same name as a local user. There are at least
two ways to avoid this conflict. One is by using
and a single, dedicated domain for all list mail.

There are also things that can be done between Mailman and Postfix, but
they can be complex depending on your exact requirements.

>This is so confusing and there is no light.
>Since several days i try to get this to work where i initially thought it is
>a work of 1 or 2 hours.
>Without your help i would have given up much earlier, but it seems that i
>have to give up anyway...
>I just don't understand you and you don't understand me.

The simple, straight forward ways to do this have the following

If you use all lists have a single, dedicated
email domain.

If you use Mailman/Postfix integration, you don't need a single domain
for list mail, but all list names must still be globally unique and
different from the name of any local user.

There are ways around these restrictions, but they are more
complicated, and in order to discuss them, I'd need to know what the
requirements are.

Mark Sapiro <>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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