Mauricio Juarez wrote:
>Thank you for your help but:
>1. I changed the password fot the entire Mailman site with mmsitepass
>2. I changed again all lists admin password with change_pw command line, 
>I receive the new password by email without problem
>3. I changed in each list Admin Website the moderator and admin 
>password, in http:/mydomain/mailman/admin/LISTNAME and the Password 
>option, only mailman list i can not (* see explication above)

It is not necessary to change the admin password via the web site as it
should have already been changed via change_pw.

>Now I can used the new password, but the old password work too :(, I 
>tried different browsers

Have you tried starting a new browser session and logging in with the
old password without first logging in with the new password?

>_*EXPLICATION mailman list- I want to know sometime:
>I can not make changes in my MAILMAN LIST 
>mydomain =
>And the Mailman list is configure with in the host 
>configuration, so I can go in  
> if I write the correct 
>dmain, but I can not save a change, because the page 
> doesnt exist, so I thing my 
>problem of password is linked with that because is the only password 
>list taht I can not change in the site.  Do you know how I can change 
>the host by in a command line? I can not 
>change in the admin mailman website, because I can not save

  bin/withlist -l -r fix_url mailman -u

>So if I change the linked host by in th 
>mailman list, maybe I can try to change the password in this list too 
>and my problem with the old password it is going to disappear

No. This at most will only affect the 'mailman' list, not any other
list, but if you changed the 'mailman' list password with change_pw,
it is already changed.

Exactly what Mailman version is this?

Note that prior to Mailman 2.1.13, you could set an empty site or list
password and that would allow logging in without a password. This is
fixed in Mailman 2.1.13.

Also note that in any Mailman 2.1.x version, only two passwords can be
successfully used to access a list's admin interface. These are the
site password set by bin/mmsitepass and the list admin password set by
bin/change_py or via the web list admin Passwords page. You can
disable the site password by removing Mailman's data/ file and
then only the single list admin password should work.

If this is not happening in your case, I can't explain why without more
information, but as I said, in any case, there should be at most 2
passwords that will work for accessing a list's web admin interface,
the site password and the list's admin password. Neither of these can
have multiple values.

Mark Sapiro <>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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