
I am extremely grateful that you took the time to help me with this issue.
In order for me to make the changes you recommended please allow me to ask
some truly basic questions since I have no experience with Unix or editing
system files.

Is there a simpler way than Terminal (command line) to edit these files and
then resave them ? Something along the lines of a text editor. Or do I need
to use Terminal to do it ?

In this case, if Terminal is necessary, can you guide on how to take a step
by step approach to getting it done ? I have never edited a file (specially
a system file) in Terminal before and don't know how to go about it.

On 12/8/10 8:13 AM, "Mark Sapiro" <> wrote:

> JRC Groups wrote:
>> ###############################################
>> # Here's where we get the distributed defaults.
>> from Defaults import *
>> ##################################################
>> # Put YOUR site-specific settings below this line.
>> MTA = 'Postfix'
>> DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST = 'dentserv.main.private'
>> DEFAULT_URL_HOST = 'dentserv.main.private'
> Assuming that all your Mailman lists are/will be in the
> domain and that mail will be sent to addresses like
> and web access to mailman will be via URLs beginning
> '' (if this will be '', drop
> the 'www.' below), change the above two lines to

Yes. The lists will all be associated with one single domain. I have the
server set up for virtual hosting and the domain used for the lists is one
of the virtual domains (not the primary domain). All lists will be set up
under one single domain. At the moment I have only one list set up. I am
trying to have it working right before I attempt to create other lists.
> and add
Where exactly do I add it ? Right below the two lines above ?
> The original error and your postconf -n post indicate that
> is not local in Postfix. Thus you also need to add here

Where exactly do I add this line ? Is the location of the line in the file
important or relevant ?
> After editing as above, run
> sudo /usr/share/mailman/bin/withlist -l -a -r fix_url
> followed by
> sudo /usr/share/mailman/bin/genaliases
> This should fix the mailman side of things, but I'm a bit confused.
> I think this will create/update the files aliases. aliases.db,
> virtual-mailman and virtual-mailman.db in the directory
> /usr/share/mailman/data/.
> My confusion is that your postconf -n had
> alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases,hash:/var/mailman/data/aliases
> which says Mailman's aliases are in /var/mailman/data. This could be
> incorrect, or /var/mailman/data/ or /var/mailman/data/aliases* could
> be symlinks or Mailman might be configured with var-prefix =
> /var/mailman which would put the aliases* and virtual-mailman* files
> in /var/mailman/data/.
> I will assume the latter which means you should add
> hash:/var/mailman/data/virtual-mailman to virtual_alias_maps in
> Postfix to make it
> virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual_users,
>                      hash:/var/mailman/data/virtual-mailman

How do add it ?
> and then reload the Postfix service.

In OS X's Server Admin there is an option under the Mail tab that allows
Mail services to be stopped and then restarted again. Will this reload
Postfix as you recommend ?

> In any case, the hash:/var/mailman/data/aliases in alias_maps and
> hash:/var/mailman/data/virtual-mailman in virtual_alias_maps should
> point to the files updated by Mailman's genaliases above.

How do I verify if it is doing it ?

Thank you again for your help.


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