Thank you, Mark, for all your responses. I had originally thought I should have 
the list be able to convert to plain text, but then decided it would be ok to 
let messages go through as html. But I still wanted it to strip attachments.

I added text/html to the list, and set the bottom two things to "no" and now it 
is working -- I received the whole message with html, with no funny complaints about not 
being allowed, and it successfully stripped the test pdf and doc attachments I sent.


On 1/17/11 12:19 PM, Mark Sapiro wrote:
Ruth Indeck wrote:
Question: Why doesn't Mailman convert the html to plaintext on its own?

The intro to Content Management says:

Finally, any text/html parts that are left in the message may be converted to 
text/plain if 
  is enabled and the site is configured to allow these conversions.

I have "convert to text/plain" enabled.

There are no HTML parts left after filtering because text/html is not
in pass_mime_types.

What does the second part mean? How do you configure your site to allow these 
conversions? Is it something a regular administrator could do, or is it 
something that the host site of my Mailman list has to do?

It means the HTML to plain text conversion is done by a command set by
the Mailman site administrator. The default command is

HTML_TO_PLAIN_TEXT_COMMAND = '/usr/bin/lynx -dump %(filename)s'

which may not work on all systems.

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