Nick Putman wrote:
>I am trying to set up mailman for the first time and would like to add 
>an html image link into the footer of each email that is sent to the 
>list.  At the moment all I am seeing is the raw html.
>So far I have changed the following settings:
>1. Should Mailman convert text/html parts to plain text? This conversion 
>happens after MIME attachments have been stripped. - set to "no"
>2. Made sure all users have 'plain' unchecked

This has no effect on individual messages. It only affects the format
of the digest for digest subscribers.

>3. Added 'text/html' to pass mime types
>But still I am just getting the html and not the image link.

Because msg_footer is always either appended to the body of a simple
text/plain message or added as a separate text/plain part. Thus any
HTML in the footer is displayed as text rather than rendered as HTML.

Without modifying the code that adds the footer to the message, there's
nothing you can do about this.

Mark Sapiro <>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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