Mark Prewitt wrote:
>We just upgraded our OSX server from 10.6.5 to 10.6.7, and it was kind
>enough to nuke our Mailman file.

It is not clear whether or not you had actually changed,
but if you had, this is why you shouldn't have. All changes should be
made in which should survive an upgrade unless Apple does
something wrong.

>We had setup defaults in this so that the include_sender_header always
>defaulted to 'no' when a new list was created, but apparently, no one
>remembers how we did this (including me).
>I cannot find it in the documentation.  This upgrade put us at 2.1.14 as the

You must have been at 2.1.14 before as that is the first release with

You can't find anything in the documentation about a setting for the
default value of include_sender_header because there isn't one.

If you want to default it to No for new lists, you have to patch
Mailman/ around line 366 to change

        self.include_sender_header = 1


        self.include_sender_header = 0

>I do have the "Allow Sender overrides" set to yes, and we can fix it by
>going in to each list we have manually and setting the option to 'no' for
>our lists.

See the FAQ at <>.

>However, we'd like to pre-set as many options as possible for when new lists
>are created.  We use this feature for internal project lists and we create
>and delete lists constantly.
>I thought I could just put in the variable 'include_sender_header = No'  in
>the  file and it might work, but that didn't.

If a setting isn't in, it isn't referenced, and putting it
in, no matter how logical it seems, does nothing.

Mark Sapiro <>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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