Mike Starr wrote:
>However, it also just seems to me that this is one of those things that should 
>probably be editable on the *General Options* form page itself, like most of 
>the other text chunks. That's why I also asked about the procedure for adding 
>that editing capability as a feature request for the *General Options* form 

Is I tried to indicate, it's not just a simple chunk of text. It is one
of three possible chunks or the empty string depending on
subscribe_policy possibly followed by one of two chunks depending on
private_roster possibly followed by another chunk if umbrella_list is
true. Thus, there are 6 strings plus the empty string and a total of
24 possible combinations of these that make up the final message.

The web UI is being totally redone for MM3, so this will certainly
change there and may be moot.

Mark Sapiro <m...@msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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