Thank you, Mark. This is very, very close to what I need. I appreciate the 
quick and concise reply.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
Sent: Friday, August 19, 2011 7:51 PM
To: Atkins, Brian CTR;
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Creating a list for announcements only

Atkins, Brian CTR wrote:

>I'm trying to create a list so that 1 member and a select group of non-members 
>can send out announcements with the replies coming back to the poster and 
>limit the amount of email that the moderator/poster receives. I also want to 
>have the ability to have members send to the list but messages go to a 
>specific person rather than the list. 

See the FAQ at <>. That should get you at
least close to what you want.

>I should note that the primary poster is also a moderator, so he receives 2 
>e-mails for every reply, one for the actual reply and another from mailman 
>telling him he has a post that is moderated.
>So what I want is:
>Poster => List 
>Member => Poster
>New message:
>Member => Authorized recipient

This is the tricky part. See below.

>What I'm getting is:
>Poster => List
>Member => Poster
>Admin message => Moderator

If you set member_moderation_action to Reject or Discard, you won't get
a held message or notice to the moderator.

If you set first_strip_reply_to to Yes, reply_goes_to_list to Explicit
address and reply_to_address as desired, you can get most replies to
go to reply_to_address. This won't be the poster in all cases, but may
be acceptable.

If you rely on users to just "reply", either reply_goes_to_list =
Poster or reply_goes_to_list = Explicit address will be fine. The
problem comes when they "reply all" because that will include the list.

>New message:
>Member => Held for moderation
>Admin message => Moderator

There is no way to send this message to a specific person. What you can
do is described in the FAQ, namely set member_moderation_action to
Reject and set member_moderation_notice to text explaining that the
message should be sent to "Authorized recipient". However, this may
impact the Reply: case

Mark Sapiro <>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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