Russell L. Carter wrote:

>I've just brought up mailman on a debian-testing box
>and almost everything works. (Hooray!) The problem I'm having
>is that after creating a list, subscribing a user, and
>sending a message to the list, I go to the list info
>and click on ... visit the Testing3 Archives with
>and I get
>You don't have permission to access /pipermail/testing3/ on this server.
>Here's the permissions trail (after bin/check_perms -f):
>drwxrws--- 6 list list 4096 Oct 27 15:09 archives/private/
>Hmm, archives/public/testing3 points to archives/private/... but
>apache running as www-data can't access archives/private because
>private is list:list and with no world readers (as it should be).

>However the list testing3 is configured to have *public* archives.
>So... why is the public archive pointing to the private one?

Because the archives are always in the archives/private/ tree and
archives/public contains only symlinks to archives/public.

If this were not the case, changing an archive from private to public
or vice versa would require moving the tree rather than just
adding/removing a symlink.

>What's the Right Way to fix this so that clicking the visit archives
>link on a new list doesn't result in a 403 Forbidden barf?

Make the archives/private/ directory searchable by the web server.

chown www-data:list archives/private


chmod o+x archives/private.

See section 4 of the installation manual at
<>. Also see
<>, and if this is the way the Debian
package installs, report this to Debian as a packaging bug.

Mark Sapiro <>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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