On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 01:47:43PM -0800, JRC Groups wrote:
> Hello, everyone.
> I am experiencing two problems with my Mailman lists and wanted to ask if
> any of you know the solutions.
> Question 1:
> Two (2) out of the five lists I created on my Mac OS X server are not
> displaying their archives. I get as far as the default Mailman subscription
> page for these two lists but once I click on the link on top of the page
> that should go to the list's archives I get a blank browser page stating
> "Safari can't find the server" (I'm on a Mac). On the next line it states
> the following:
> Safari can't open the page "http://domain.com/mailman/private/listname/";
> because Safari can't find the server "domain.com".

Check DNS?

adam@hokey:~$ host -t ns domain.com
    domain.com name server ns3.dotsterhost.com.
    domain.com name server ns2.dotsterhost.com.
    domain.com name server ns1.dotsterhost.com.

adam@hokey:~$ seq 1 3 | while read S; do host domain.com \
    ns$S.dotsterhost.com; done # slight formating jig for clarity

    Using domain server:
    Name: ns1.dotsterhost.com
    domain.com has address
    domain.com mail is handled by 10 sentry.domainbank.com.

    Using domain server:
    Name: ns2.dotsterhost.com
    domain.com has address
    domain.com mail is handled by 10 sentry.domainbank.com.

    Using domain server:
    Name: ns3.dotsterhost.com
    domain.com has address
    domain.com mail is handled by 10 sentry.domainbank.com.

Those nameservers point to the same address.

It would appear that the HTTPD config is also returning the wrong status codes;
404 != 301.

(q.v. https://github.com/Exim/exim/wiki/Dont-Obfuscate &c)

> Just to make this clear, I don't believe it can't find the server since this
> works for the other three (3) lists I have on the server. Only two seem to
> be displaying this behavior.

Maybe check the host_name is the same for all lists?

> On a few of the lists I have created I have messages in their archives that
> were sent just as test messages to ensure the lists were working right. I
> don't want to have these messages as part of the lists' archives once I have
> subscribers signing up for the lists. How can I (1) delete the entire
> archive for a list and (2) delete only specific messages ?

This is in the FAQ. http://wiki.list.org/x/2YA9

"MP3s are for people who download music. People who buy Mercedes
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    (Mercedes dealer, to customer requesting an in-car MP3 player)
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