Syafril Hermansyah wrote:
>Oops wait a minute.... it seems there is something not working as expected.
>Actually the message size not exceed the list size limit, but still
>Mailman scrubbed by the attachment.
>Where am I wrong?

If you set scrub_nondigest to Yes, all attachments will be scrubbed
from all messages delivered to the list regardless of any holds.

If the message does not exceed max_message_size and is not held for any
other reason, it will be sent to the list members with attachments

If the message does exceed max_message_size or is held for any other
reason and it is subsequently approved, the attachments will be
scrubbed after the message is approved and before it is delivered to
the list members.

If you want to scrub attachments only from 'large' messages, this
feature won't do it. You would need to do something such as creating a
custom handler (see <>) that would invoke
the scrubber process only on large messages and replace Scrubber in
the pipeline with this handler.

Mark Sapiro <>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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