Anil Jangity wrote:

>Yup, that's exactly what I've done. I had mailman compiled with python 2.4. 
>After I ran into that digest issue, I installed Python 2.7 in a separate 
>directory, which I used for doing 'senddigest'.
>Do I need to run through the mailman "configure" again or can I point mailman 
>to different python binary. I am sure I need to reconfigure, but just wanted 
>to double check.

You need to rerun configure with the option


(or wherever your Python 2.7 binary is now) in addition to the options
you originally used, and then make install.

>Also, how do I re-inject the emails in qfiles/bad back into system? 

First look at those entries with Mailman's bin/dumpdb, e.g.

bin/dumpdb -p

Although that probably won't work unless you either change the shebang
line at the top of bin/dumpdb to point to Python 2.7, or do it after
you reconfigure and make install or just run it with

/path/to/python2.7 bin/dumpdb -p

It will be best to do the reconfigure and make install first. In any
case, you must do it before the step below, or the same exception will

Then, you will see what the messages are. If they are the digests you
are looking for, mv the files to qfiles/virgin, but change the
extension from .psv to .pck.

Mark Sapiro <>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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