Christopher Adams wrote:
>This particular issue has me perplexed. I had a call from a user who
>is subscribed to a list in regular/non-digest mode. He received a
>message in digest mode, a day later than when it was sent, which is
>what should happen with digests. However, as I said, he is not on
>digest. I checked logs and his status hasn't changed in the last 30
>days. Others on the list received it yesterday.
>What might be going on here?

If he switched his membership from digest to non-digest, or even
inadvertently switched from non-digest to digest and then immediately
reversed, he would have been flagged for "one_last_digest" and been
sent the next digest. These switches would not have been logged by
Mailman. However, the digest would have been sent at the same time as
everyone else's.

If you have access to the actual message he received, check the
Received: headers and see how and when it was delivered to him. It
could have been sent to him by another list member.

Mark Sapiro <>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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