Well, I'm still adjusting as a Application Systems Admin as opposed to a Systems Admin.

It looks very much like the problem was that after migration to a new server the Sysadmin didn't shut the old server down, so the cronjobs were sending version 2.1.5 msgs to the newer 2.1.12 server.

We will know for sure tomorrow when the cron jobs kick off on the new server. (we shouldn't get notifications that don't exist)

Thank you,
Frank Bell
Application Systems Admin

1 Cor 15:10
"By the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me was not in vain . . 

On 3/12/2012 8:12 PM, Mark Sapiro wrote:
Frank Bell wrote:
mailman 2.1.12
We have some notifications to the owners that are stating Post by
non-member to a members-only list

But when they follow the link, there are no pending requests.

On one of these I as admin followed the same link the first time and the
options were there, the second time I followed it, they weren't.

Check Mailman's vette log to see what happened to these requests.
Possibly they were discarded by the poster or another moderator.

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