All --

I hope this is a quick question about Umbrella lists in Mailman 2.1.9 (sorry 
about that, not my choice).

If I'm using the subject_prefix setting as follows:

umbrella list: subject_prefix="UMBRELLA>"
child list1: subject_prefix="Child1>"
child list2: subject_prefix="Child2>"

When I post to the umbrella and I am a subscriber to BOTH child lists, I see:

Subject: Child1> UMBRELLA> Test Post
Subject: Child2> UMBRELLA> Test Post

It's not really what I want to see, so I wonder if this changed in future 
versions of mailman?

-- Drew Tenenholz

P.S. What I hoped to see was:
Subject: UMBRELLA> Test Post

In other words, since the messsage has already been through Mailman once, I'd 
prefer that the subject_prefix for the child lists NOT be used at all. There 
are times when a post will be sent to one or the other child list alone and not 
the umbrella, so I would still want a subject_prefix on those messages.  If 
that were not true, I could just skip the subject_prefix on the child lists 

P.P.S.  I have read the Wiki on methods to eliminate duplicate delivery.  I 
actually not interested in making that happen right now, just playing with the 
subject line....
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