That didn't seem to change anything. Since I did it via the web admin
page do I need to restart mailman or run withlist?

My current settings are:

Hide sender: no
Reply-to header stripped: yes
Replies to list messages: this list

On 9/21/2012 8:39 PM, Mark Sapiro wrote:
> Dennis Putnam wrote;
>> I'm a little confused by the option to hide the sender of a message. I
>> THINK if I leave this as yes, then users will wind up sending replies to
>> the sender rather than the list (that is the way this list works much to
>> my chagrin but I understand the reasons) unless they remember to change
>> the To: field every time. If that is true how do I set it up so that the
>> From: is the poster and the Reply-To: is the list? TIA.
> if anonymous_list is set to Yes, posts will be From: the list and the
> actual poster will not be revealed in any headers in the message.
> To do what you want, set first_strip_reply_to to Yes and
> reply_goes_to_list to This list.      

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