On Oct 24, 2012, at 9:52 AM, Lindsay Haisley <fmouse-mail...@fmp.com> wrote:

>> That seem to be a very long time for processing a list.
> Yes, that's a long time.  If nothing has changed in your Mailman
> installation, I'd guess you're looking at an issue with the SMTP server,
> or possibly a network issue.  A look at your mail server logs and the
> timestamp data therein should give you a finer-grained look at the
> timing of SMTP events associated with Mailman's outgoing posts.

One thing I've found in the past is that frequently the mailing list 
administration and the SMTP MTA administration is done by different teams, and 
when one side asks the other if anything has changed the answer will frequently 
be "No, nothing at all".  However, in many cases, there were changes made that 
were felt to be so minor that they were trivial and wouldn't count as "real 
changes".  Nevertheless, many so-called "trivial" changes can frequently have 
impacts far above and beyond what was anticipated.

I'd encourage the OP to also check out their DNS caching resolver servers, to 
see if they've recently had any problems or made any changes (even apparently 
trivial ones).

> Another very useful tool for analyzing mail issues is swaks.

Now that's a tool I had not heard of before.  I'm assuming you mean the tool at 

Brad Knowles <b...@shub-internet.org>
LinkedIn Profile: <http://tinyurl.com/y8kpxu>

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