* Ralf Hildebrandt <ralf.hildebra...@charite.de>:
> * Stephen J. Turnbull <step...@xemacs.org>:
> > Karsten Becker writes:
> >  > WTF?
> >  > 
> >  > > Dec 04 09:25:15 2012 qrunner(8680): connect:   ('localhost', 10030)
> >  > > Dec 04 09:25:15 2012 qrunner(8680): connect:   (10030, 'localhost')
> >  > > Dec 04 09:25:36 2012 qrunner(8680): reply:   '220 mail01.foodmz.local 
> > ESMTP Ecologic Institute ready\r\n'
> Postfix presents it's banner 20 seconds after the connection has been
> established.
> Things to try:
> * disable chroot for THAT smtpd on port 10030
> * check that you have enough instances of that particular smtpd
>   (otherwise mailman must wait until one is available)
> * check the restrictions for that particular smtpd

* try connecting manually!

Ralf Hildebrandt                   Charite Universitätsmedizin Berlin
ralf.hildebra...@charite.de        Campus Benjamin Franklin
http://www.charite.de              Hindenburgdamm 30, 12203 Berlin
Geschäftsbereich IT, Abt. Netzwerk fon: +49-30-450.570.155
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