Never mind, I found everything I needed.

On Mon, 2012-12-10 at 15:41 -0600, Lindsay Haisley wrote:
> I'm trying to reply to a comment from a Mailman list subscriber on a
> list I manage, and have a couple of questions which someone might be
> able to answer quickly, or post me a link, much faster than I can
> research the matter.
> At what header fields an an email (From, Sender, Reply-to) does Mailman
> 2.1.15 look when determining if an email is from a list subscriber and
> what's the algorithm it uses, if other than a simple OR of the
> addresses?
> What are the known issues with Gmail and Mailman, especially those which
> might result in an email being silently dropped on the floor?  A
> reference to an existing thread or article would be helpful.

Lindsay Haisley       | "Real programmers use butterflies"
FMP Computer Services |
512-259-1190          |       - xkcd    |

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