Hello all,

Before I go and completely savage the lists we have here, I thought I would try to get a little more information about using config_list.

I get the list information from a file sent to me. I want to use a script to process the file, output the processed data to a file, then use config_list to make the changes to the appropriate list(s). The only values I want to change are the list's owner, moderator, and the *_these_nonmembers.

Can I create a file (properly formatted) to input into config_list containing only the values I want to change? Or, do I have to dump the entire file, make the changes, then reload?

Next, I see the change_pw allows me to change a list's password. Is that the owner's password, the moderator's password, or both? If it is only the owners password, is there a way to change the moderator's password through some other mechanism/program?

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