On 2/11/2013 6:40 PM, Mark Sapiro wrote:
Chris Nulk wrote:
The only issue I have now is the boss wants to be able to send a reject
message if a message is rejected when it matches a rule.  The only
option I have is to hold the message and let the moderator send the
rejection notice.  And since, the header rule is for our global lists, I
am the lucky moderator.

If you mean you want to reject the message with something other than
the "Message rejected by filter rule match" message, then you are
correct unless you want to modify the message in the SpamDetect.py
module, i.e. change the message in

                     raise Errors.RejectMessage(
                         _('Message rejected by filter rule match'))

Making it something like:

                     raise Errors.RejectMessage(
                         _("""Some long winded,
                           Multiple line
                           Rejection message

However, I hope these are just legitimate notifications that shouldn't
have been sent to a list and not spam. It is a very bad idea to reject
anything that might be spam because the rejection almost certainly
goes to some innocent 3rd party whose address was spoofed in the
message's headers. This is known as backscatter and is bad.

The messages I am trying to keep from getting to the list are Google Calendar invitations (and cancellations). For these messages or specifically targeted non-spam type messages where I have to use the spam filters to get rid of them, I would like to send a rejection notice giving a reason why the posting is not allowed. Any spam filters I set up for known spam and like messages, I usually just discard the message. I certainly don't want to do any backscatter.

Thanks, Mark.

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