jdd wrote:
>I have a list of mail adresses in
>but mail coming from these people do not reach the list, but are sent 
>to moderation

The *_these_nonmembers filters match the string or regexp against the
'sender' of the post. This is determined as follows:

        This can return either the From: header, the Sender: header or
        envelope header (a.k.a. the unixfrom header).  The first
        header value found is returned.  However the search order is
        determined by the following:

        - If mm_cfg.USE_ENVELOPE_SENDER is true, then the search order
          Sender:, From:, unixfrom

        - Otherwise, the search order is From:, Sender:, unixfrom

I.e., if mm_cfg.USE_ENVELOPE_SENDER is true and the post contains a
Sender: header with an address different from the From: address, it is
the Sender: address that is matched against the *_these_nonmembers

If that's not the explanation, what exactly do you have in

Mark Sapiro <m...@msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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