Crile Carvey writes:

 > Is there an easy way for a list admin to check how many messages
 > are being sent out for a given list?

The basic answer is "Mailman doesn't keep statistics like that but you
can easily compute them from the Mailman and MTA logs."

But why do you want to know?  We need to know because the question as
phrased is ambiguous.  You might want to know

- how many posts are received and distributed per time period, or
- how many members are receiving each post, or
- how many times Mailman contacts the local MTA for each post, or
- how many times Mailman contacts the local MTA in a given time period, or
- how many times the local MTA delivers locally plus contacts to
  remote MTAs for each post, or
- how many times the local MTA delivers locally plus contacts to
  remote MTAs in a given time period.

And I'm not sure that's all the useful ways to interpret your
request.  But probably not all of them are useful to you (maybe none
of them are! :-)

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