Tanstaafl <tansta...@libertytrek.org> wrote:

> (Sorry for replying to an older thread, I'm going back through older unread
> mails)
> Maybe these should be made an official part of mailman's extra tools?
> And maybe updated to work with MM3?

And maybe you could stop TOP-posting?

Roel Wagenaar,

Linux-User #469851 with the Linux Counter; http://linuxcounter.net/

Antw.: Omdat het de volgorde verstoord waarin mensen tekst lezen.
Vraag: Waarom is top-posting een slechte gewoonte?
Antw.: Top-posting.
Vraag: Wat is het meest ergerlijke in e-mail?

Why be difficult, when with a bit of effort, you can be impossible?
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