On 05/01/2014 08:05 AM, Mark Sapiro wrote:
> On 05/01/2014 07:54 AM, Ralf Jung wrote:
>> I just noticed that stripping reply-to headers was enabled on the list
>> in question, and that this is not the default (as I originally thought
>> it was - I wasn't the one who initially set up these lists). Stripping
>> happens after From munging, so this explains my issue. After disabling
>> stripping, the original sender remains in the Reply-To.
> I *think* it works as you expect in 2.1.18rc3, but I'll have to double
> check.

In 2.1.18rc3 with first_strip_reply_to = Yes and reply_goes_to_list =
Poster, the poster's From: address is in Reply-To:, but not for the
other settings of reply_goes_to_list. I'm changing it for the final so
the poster's From: address will always be in Reply-To: when from_is list
is other than No.

Mark Sapiro <m...@msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan
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