On Thu, 01 May 2014 at 22:52:27 -0700, Mark Sapiro wrote:
>  > Do you have a setting to change From: user@domain to From:
>  > user@domain.INVALID - that is the hack I would like to use.
> No, not currently. It is an interesting idea, but it may cause issues in
> delivery of mail From: a non-existent domain.

None of the current options to try to work around the DMARC breakage
work well; all fail in various ways.

Until people figure out real ways of making DMARC work with forwrders
& mailing lists (see ietf-...@ietf.org for one place discussions
are going on), I think it useful to have more work-around hacks out
there so that people can experiment with them to see which ones
more-or-less work in different situations.

Andrew Partan
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