I was testing that for you a few weeks ago. I just tried again, and it seems to 
work smoothly now.

Could that be made to automatically resize images? E.g. maximum dimensions 
800x800 pixels.

Peter Shute

Sent from my iPad

> On 23 Jun 2014, at 7:30 pm, "Sylvain Viart" <sylv...@opensource-expert.com> 
> wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> I programmed a custom handler that complete or replace Scrub_nondigest
> handler:
> AttachmentMove
> You can test or try it here:
> http://mailman.opensource-expert.com/mailman/listinfo/attachment-move
> Hosting in done in France and could be slow to reach from foreign
> countries.
> This running version is not commited yet, minor i8n changes.
> It's also working in production of a customer with a list of 930
> subscribers since 3 weeks.
> The code and the doc : https://github.com/Sylvain303/mailman-AttachmentMove
> Le 23/06/2014 10:03, Peter Shute a écrit :
>>> If anyone who's using this option could forward me a message from their 
>>> list with a linked image so I can check how well it works, that would be 
>>> greatly appreciated
> AttachmentMove  keeps embedded images, they could be moved as well.
> The remote hosting for attachment can be same or a different one that
> the server running mailman.
> To reply to your first post:
>> We're considering enabling the scrub_nondigest option for our list. The aim 
>> is to allow members to send jpg files to the list (currently filtered) and 
>> have mailman include a link to them in messages instead of the actual 
>> attachment.
> That is the purpose of AttachmentMove.
>> I believe it will store the scrubbed images in the archives. We have 
>> archiving turned off. Do we need to turn them on to allow the images to be 
>> placed there, or will it happen anyway?
> Attachment are stored "locally" and on a remote hosting. The local
> storage (on the mailman server) is not the archive. And it is used to
> avoid duplicate file name when uploaded on the webserver.
>> Once we have images stored in the archives, how easy is it for members to 
>> access them when they click on the links in the messages? Will they need a 
>> password to see them?
> AttachmentMove, publish the image on a different hosting no password are
> required, the goal was to keeps user away for technical details.
>> Will we be able to selectively delete images when our disk space begins to 
>> fill up? Or will they all be stored in a single archive file? We're using 
>> cpanel, if that matters.
> Not storage management is coded yet, a cron with the good "find -mtime"
> could do the trick.
> It's in my idea to handle that too.
>> If anyone who's using this option could forward me a message from their list 
>> with a linked image so I can check how well it works, that would be greatly 
>> appreciated.
> I sent you an example we have made on the test list.
> Let me know if that meet your needs.
> Regards,
> Sylvain.
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