On 08/16/2014 03:43 PM, Mark J Bradakis wrote:
S I finally decide to sit down and try to figure out why
and http://autox.team.net/mailman/admin return different results, even
though it is the same machine.

See the FAQ at <http://wiki.list.org/x/lYA9>.

Checking on some list configs, I do  bin/config_list -o - <listname> and
get this from one list,
but not others:

# href="?VARHELP=privacy/sender/dmarc_moderation_action">
# dmarc_moderation_action applies to this message with an action other
# than Accept, that action rather than this is applied
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "./config_list", line 364, in <module>
   File "./config_list", line 357, in main
     do_output(listname, outfile)
   File "./config_list", line 128, in do_output
     do_list_categories(mlist, k, None, outfp)
   File "./config_list", line 180, in do_list_categories
     value = getattr(mlist, varname)
   File "/local/mailman/teamnet/Mailman/MailList.py", line 146, in
     raise AttributeError, name
AttributeError: from_is_list

So I go to the admin page for that list and get the "We've hit a bug page."

Fun. Any quick fixes to the config.pck file?

There is an issue with the list's data_version attribute vs. Mailman.Version.DATA_FILE_VERSION. When the from_is_list and other new attributes were added, Mailman.Version.DATA_FILE_VERSION was incremented to make it greater than the list's data_version attribute which in turn will cause the lists to be updated the first time they are instantiated.

Perhaps you had some other patches that incremented Mailman.Version.DATA_FILE_VERSION, so that the list's data_version attribute was not < Mailman.Version.DATA_FILE_VERSION causing the update to be skipped.

The way to fix this is to set Mailman.Version.DATA_FILE_VERSION to a value greater than the data_version attribute of the lists.

First run this bash script

for l in `/path/to/mailman/bin/list_lists --bare`
  do /path/to/mailman/bin/dumpdb /path/to/mailman/lists/$l/config.pck \
    | grep data_version

This will print the data_version for each list. If N is the largest such value, edit Mailman/Version.py to change the line


to set a value > N. Then visit the listinfo overview page which should update all the lists.

Then so this doesn't happen again, set DATA_FILE_VERSION back to 104 in Mailman/Version.py and create a file containing the single line

mlist.data_version = 104

and run this bash script

cd /path/to/mailman/bin/
for l in `./list_lists --bare`
 do ./config_list -i /path/to/above/file $l

That should fix things.

Mark Sapiro <m...@msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan
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