Ecklund, Morgan writes:

 > The new environment is CentoOS 6.2 Postfix Mailman 2.1.16rc2.

If you have Yahoo! and/or AOL subscribers, you really want to upgrade
to Mailman 2.1.18-1.

 > So we noticed right off the bat that Mailman was maxing the
 > processor and filling memory and later I found that it was filling
 > up the hard drive...

Why do you think it's Mailman and not Postfix or your virus checker etc?

None of these are normal behavior for Mailman, and I don't know of any
common problem in Mailman that causes all three at once.  My guess is
a configuration problem that is causing a mail loop or something like
that, or a permission problem.

If it's a permission problem with Mailman, it can be detected and
probably fixed with bin/check_perms.

 > Where is it hung up how can I clear it out?

It seems likely something's hung up writing to disk.  What is being
written?  What do the logs of the applications in the pipeline say?


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