
We're running a mailman 3.0.0b at ulists.org and so far it was working
quite well. Since a few days, email delivery seems to be broken, but
only for the posts, not bounces.
When someone subscribes, he gets the welcome message.
When someone posts, nothing is delivered. Same when posting from hyperkitty.

Here's what happens when en email is sent to a list:

On the MM3 side:

Oct 30 15:34:36 2014 (1387)
<20141030143436.1389.15...@mailman.ulists.org> smtp to t...@ulists.org
for 1 recips, completed in 0.0919508934021 seconds
Oct 30 15:34:36 2014 (1387)
<20141030143436.1389.15...@mailman.ulists.org> post to t...@ulists.org
from test-requ...@ulists.org, 1177 bytes

and on the smtp side:

Oct 30 15:34:36 mailman postfix/qmgr[7675]: CEF7719628BC:
from=<gliber...@unisson.co>, size=718, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Oct 30 15:34:36 mailman postfix/lmtp[2526]: CEF7719628BC:
to=<t...@ulists.org>, relay=[]:8024, delay=0.14,
6/0.04/0/0.04, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 Ok)
Oct 30 15:34:36 mailman postfix/qmgr[7675]: CEF7719628BC: removed

Any idea of what I should check?

Thanks a lot !

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