On 11/9/2014 8:37 PM, Hal wrote:
Thanks. Unfortunately cleanarch'ing didn't solve my issue.
I did some more research and found out that the MBOX format isn't
standardized as there are 4 different variations around
Confusing indeed. What's even stranger is that the Majordomo
search-interface displays all of those same MBOXes without any issues.

Investigating the MBOX files in a text editor I found the problematic
ones to have headers starting with ">From " (without the quotes) which
the working ones didn't, so I removed all those lines from a couple of
MBOX files, imported into the Mailman archives and all looked fine!
Obviously I can't check every single posting, so does my discovery and
solution sound feasible?


When I read a message that has "From " changed to ">From " (at the
beginning of a line), I have to trouble interpreting the mail.
The URL above says that the transformation "corrupts" mailboxes.
I would use the term "changes", as the e-mail body has been changed.
The term "corrupted", in my opinion, means something drastic;
adding a ">" in front of "From " does not make the message

I dislike the format that uses "Content-Length:" to determine the end
of a message.  If I edit an archive file and, say delete one line that
contains a password, then I have to change the corresponding
"Content-Length:" line.

--Barry Finkel
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