On 1/14/2015 7:57 AM, Mark Sapiro wrote:

Thanks for your help Mark.

On 01/13/2015 09:04 PM, Chris Nulk wrote:
Are there any issues I should watch for using the following process?
Does the process seem reasonable and workable?

It looks OK to me.
The question about customizations is how different is the code between
v2.1.9 and 2.1.18-1?

Many modules are unchanged. Some have significant changes. Some have
minor changes.

Below is a list of the files I have modified (base directory is /usr/lib/mailman). Should I pay special attention due to changes to any particular files?


If I create patches with the difference between the original v2.1.9 code
and my customizations using diff -Nu, will I be able to apply those patches
to the v2.1.18-1 code?

That's the way to go. See the recent post at
for more on this.
Yep.  Read the message.  Thanks for the reminder.

Naturally, I will make copies of any files that will be changed before
applying the patches.  Also, since I do add additional attributes to the
list configs, I will be very careful with changes to versions.py and

Your main concern is with DATA_FILE_VERSION in Versions.py. As long as
you apply the changes before moving the lists You just need to be sure
that DATA_FILE_VERSION is > than that of the old installation. Then
versions.py will be run to update the lists when they are moved.

As far as additional attributes are concerned, you could ignore the
whole issue. I wouldn't if for no other reasons than documentation and
consistency, but your lists will presumably have all the additional
attributes already so the code in versions.py to add them (if missing)
won't do any harm, but won't actually be needed. As I said though, I
would ensure the code was there just for documentation and consistency
and in case at some point you migrate a list that doesn't have the

I will definitely make the mods prior to moving the lists since I will want to make sure Mailman is still functional.

I will also most likely do the same thing I did when I did the original mods to Version.py and versions.py. I will bump the DATA_FILE_VERSION by one and make only the minimal change needed. Actually, here are the two patch files I plan on using for those two files. So I will make copies of the original files (for all files to be modified) and for Version.py I will check for the current DATA_FILE_VERSION number and adjust appropriately.

Patch for Version.py
--- Version.py.original    2008-05-24 13:44:12.000000000 -0700
+++ Version.py.Modified    2009-09-25 10:47:02.000000000 -0700
@@ -37,7 +37,9 @@
                (REL_LEVEL << 4)  | (REL_SERIAL << 0))

 # config.pck schema version number
+# Updated the DATA_FILE_VERSION due to adding a new
+#    variable/attribute (previous value = 96) --Modified 24-Sep-2009

 # qfile/*.db schema version number

Patch file for versions.py
--- versions.py.original    2008-05-24 13:44:12.000000000 -0700
+++ versions.py.Modified    2009-09-24 14:15:11.000000000 -0700
@@ -113,6 +113,11 @@
         l.forward_auto_discards = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_FORWARD_AUTO_DISCARDS
     if not hasattr(l, 'generic_nonmember_action'):
l.generic_nonmember_action = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_GENERIC_NONMEMBER_ACTION
+ # Add an additional list attribute if not present --Modified 24-Sep-2009
+    if not hasattr(l, 'accept_special_posters'):
+        l.accept_special_posters = []
     # Now convert what we can...  Note that the interaction between the
# MM2.0.x attributes `moderated', `member_posting_only', and `posters' is # so confusing, it makes my brain really ache. Which is why they go away

Thanks again for the assistance Mark,
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