I have an idea to create another list whose members can post to the
first list without moderation.
Now I can configure different welcome messages, right? :)

Any advices/warns?

2015-02-04 13:14 GMT+02:00 Danil Smirnov <da...@smirnov.la>:
> Hi!
> Are there any way to send different welcome messages
> to subscribers which depend of their class?
> For example, I have announcement list with two classes of subscribers:
> - posters, who are allowed to post to the list (subscribed by admin)
> - silent members who just receive posts from the first class members
> (subscribed by theirselves)
> It would be great if I can send different welcome message tho
> this two classes of subscribers.
> Are there any chance it will be implemented?
> Thanks.
> Danil
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