On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 10:12 AM, Adam McGreggor
<adam-mail...@amyl.org.uk> wrote:
> Drop/Discard/Reject mails at SMTP time, before they hit Mailman?

Right, but it seems like James is saying Exim4 isn't doing that.

I poked around the MM config for the chic...@python.org mailing list,
but for the life of me couldn't find the setting where it holds
messages with X-Spam-Score with spam or unsure values. (We use
SpamBayes on mail.python.org.) I know it's there somewhere, but I can
never find such nuggets.

Mail.python.org has a very mature Postfix setup. It's all magic to me
(well, except for the SpamBayes part), but I think publishing a small
document about the configuration might be worthwhile.

Skip Montanaro
Mailman-Users mailing list Mailman-Users@python.org
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