Hi paw

It looks like maybe incorrect DNS. 

studentergaarden.dk MX record points at mail.

However lists. MX record points to Loki.

I think the mail is being tried against Loki. Try changing that MX record to 
point to mail. And see if this helps. 


> On 11/11/2015, at 7:16 PM, Paw <paw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Mailman community,
> I am using postfix with dovecot on a Debian server. I followed <
> http://wiki.list.org/x/ZoCj> for setting up mailman, but something is wrong
> with my postfix configuration.
> I can create new lists on http://lists.mydomain and when subscribing I get
> the subscription notification from mailman. But for sending to the list, I
> have to use listname@domain instead of listname@lists.domain. Mails sent to
> listname@lists.domain just seems to get lost(don't bounce or end up in
> /var/log/mail.log)
> I am sorry so disturb with such a question, but I am really stuck.
> This is the full log when sending a mail to test@mydomain. The mail is
> being delivered to local user tester's inbox.
> Nov 11 06:41:59 loki postfix/smtpd[4543]: connect from
> mail-lf0-f49.google.com[]
> Nov 11 06:41:59 loki postfix/smtpd[4543]: 7F4E724C09B: client=
> mail-lf0-f49.google.com[]
> Nov 11 06:41:59 loki postfix/cleanup[4914]: 7F4E724C09B:
> message-id=<CAP53jTxugaP79R=Uqr_1zipb2z_EVQRno=
> lxjj7kujaaobg...@mail.gmail.com>
> Nov 11 06:41:59 loki postfix/qmgr[31085]: 7F4E724C09B: from=<
> paw...@gmail.com>, size=1680, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
> Nov 11 06:41:59 loki postfix/smtpd[4543]: disconnect from
> mail-lf0-f49.google.com[]
> Nov 11 06:41:59 loki postfix/local[4915]: 7F4E724C09B: to=<
> t...@studentergaarden.dk>, relay=local, delay=0.63,
> delays=0.49/0.01/0/0.13, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered to command:
> /var/lib/mailman/mail/mailman post test)
> Nov 11 06:41:59 loki postfix/qmgr[31085]: 7F4E724C09B: removed
> Nov 11 06:42:01 loki postfix/smtpd[4543]: connect from localhost[]
> Nov 11 06:42:01 loki postfix/smtpd[4543]: 44A6324C0A7:
> client=localhost[]
> Nov 11 06:42:01 loki postfix/cleanup[4914]: 44A6324C0A7:
> message-id=<CAP53jTxugaP79R=Uqr_1zipb2z_EVQRno=
> lxjj7kujaaobg...@mail.gmail.com>
> Nov 11 06:42:01 loki postfix/qmgr[31085]: 44A6324C0A7: from=<
> test-boun...@lists.studentergaarden.dk>, size=3127, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
> Nov 11 06:42:01 loki postfix/smtpd[4543]: 5D5F124C0E1:
> client=localhost[]
> Nov 11 06:42:01 loki postfix/cleanup[4914]: 5D5F124C0E1:
> message-id=<CAP53jTxugaP79R=Uqr_1zipb2z_EVQRno=
> lxjj7kujaaobg...@mail.gmail.com>
> Nov 11 06:42:01 loki postfix/qmgr[31085]: 5D5F124C0E1: from=<
> test-boun...@lists.studentergaarden.dk>, size=3137, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
> Nov 11 06:42:01 loki postfix/smtpd[4543]: disconnect from
> localhost[]
> Nov 11 06:42:01 loki dovecot: lda(tester):
> msgid=<CAP53jTxugaP79R=Uqr_1zipb2z_EVQRno=lxjj7kujaaobg...@mail.gmail.com>:
> saved mail to INBOX
> Nov 11 06:42:01 loki postfix/local[4915]: 5D5F124C0E1: to=<
> tes...@studentergaarden.dk>, relay=local, delay=0.19, delays=0.05/0/0/0.13,
> dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered to command: /usr/lib/dovecot/deliver)
> Nov 11 06:42:01 loki postfix/qmgr[31085]: 5D5F124C0E1: removed
> Nov 11 06:42:01 loki postfix/smtp[4944]: 44A6324C0A7: to=<paw...@gmail.com>,
> relay=gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com[]:25, delay=0.49,
> delays=0.1/0.01/0.26/0.12, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 2.0.0 OK 1447220691
> 38si4916356lfq.17 - gsmtp)
> Nov 11 06:42:01 loki postfix/qmgr[31085]: 44A6324C0A7: removed
> My config is as follow:
> -----------------------------------------------
> Dumps of postconf, mm_cfg.py virtual-mailman,
> virtual_to_transport and transport-mailman
> -----------------------------------------------
> $ postconf -n
> alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
> alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases hash:/var/lib/mailman/data/aliases
> append_dot_mydomain = no
> biff = no
> body_checks = pcre:/etc/postfix/bodychecks
> config_directory = /etc/postfix
> dovecot_destination_recipient_limit = 1
> header_checks = pcre:/etc/postfix/headerchecks
> inet_interfaces = mail.studentergaarden.dk, localhost
> inet_protocols = ipv4
> mailbox_command = /usr/lib/dovecot/deliver
> mailbox_size_limit = 2048000000
> message_size_limit = 40480000
> mydestination = $mydomain, $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost
> myhostname = mail.studentergaarden.dk
> mynetworks =,,
> myorigin = /etc/mailname
> recipient_delimiter = +
> relayhost =
> smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP $mail_name
> smtpd_client_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, reject_unknown_client
> smtpd_hard_error_limit = 10
> smtpd_helo_required = yes
> smtpd_helo_restrictions = reject_invalid_hostname
> smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, reject_rbl_client
> zen.spamhaus.org, reject_unauth_destination, reject_unauth_pipelining,
> smtpd_relay_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, reject_rbl_client
> zen.spamhaus.org, reject_unauth_destination, reject_unauth_pipelining,
> smtpd_sender_restrictions = reject_non_fqdn_sender,
> reject_unknown_sender_domain
> smtpd_soft_error_limit = 8
> transport_maps = hash:/var/lib/mailman/data/transport-mailman
> virtual_mailbox_domains = mail.studentergaarden.dk
> virtual_transport = dovecot
> $ cat  /etc/mailman/mm_cfg.py
> ... few irrelevant lines truncated ...
> DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST = 'lists.studentergaarden.dk'
> DEFAULT_URL_HOST   = 'lists.studentergaarden.dk'
> MTA='Postfix'
> POSTFIX_STYLE_VIRTUAL_DOMAINS = ['lists.studentergaarden.dk']
> POSTFIX_MAP_CMD = '/var/lib/mailman/data/transport-mailman'
> ---
> Whether POSTFIX_MAP_CMD is commented out or not, does not seems to make a
> difference
> $ ll /var/lib/mailman/data
> total 80K
> -rw-r----- 1 root     list   41 Oct 22 05:15 adm.pw
> -rw-rw---- 1 root     list 5,6K Nov 11 06:13 aliases
> -rw-rw---- 1 list     list  12K Nov 11 06:14 aliases.db
> -rw-r----- 1 root     list   41 Nov 11 04:40 creator.pw
> -rw-rw-r-- 1 root     list   10 Oct 22 03:11 last_mailman_version
> -rw-rw-r-- 1 root     list  14K Apr  6  2015 sitelist.cfg
> -rwxrwxr-x 1 root     list    0 Nov 11 03:53 transport-mailman
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root     list  12K Nov 11 04:10 transport-mailman.db
> -rw-rw---- 1 www-data list 5,3K Nov 11 06:13 virtual-mailman
> -rw-rw---- 1 list     list  12K Nov 11 06:14 virtual-mailman.db
> -rwxr-x--- 1 root     list  153 Nov 11 04:00 virtual_to_transport
> $ cat /var/lib/mailman/data/virtual-mailman
> # STANZA START: test
> # CREATED: Wed Nov 11 05:55:30 2015
> t...@lists.studentergaarden.dk              test
> test-ad...@lists.studentergaarden.dk        test-admin
> test-boun...@lists.studentergaarden.dk      test-bounces
> test-conf...@lists.studentergaarden.dk      test-confirm
> test-j...@lists.studentergaarden.dk         test-join
> test-le...@lists.studentergaarden.dk        test-leave
> test-ow...@lists.studentergaarden.dk        test-owner
> test-requ...@lists.studentergaarden.dk      test-request
> test-subscr...@lists.studentergaarden.dk    test-subscribe
> test-unsubscr...@lists.studentergaarden.dk  test-unsubscribe
> # STANZA END: test
> (the Mailman list is also included in the above file)
> $ cat /var/lib/mailman/data/virtual_to_transport
> sed -r -e 's/(^[^#]\S+\s+).+$/\1local:/' $1 >
> /var/lib/mailman/data/transport-mailman
> /usr/sbin/postmap /var/lib/mailman/data/transport-mailman
> $ cat /var/lib/mailman/data/transport-mailman
> <<<EOF (empty)
> There are no errors in relevant postfix/mailman logs.
> I do not use postfix-to-mailman.py.
> What have I done wrong with the postfix configuration? And where does the
> listname@list.domain maills go?
> $ uname -a
> Linux loki 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt11-1+deb8u5 (2015-10-09)
> x86_64 GNU/Linux
> $ /usr/sbin/check_perms
> No problems found
> $ /usr/lib/mailman/bin/version
> Using Mailman version: 2.1.18
>  Thanks in advance!
> /Paw
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Mailman-Users mailing list Mailman-Users@python.org
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/mailman-users
> Mailman FAQ: http://wiki.list.org/x/AgA3
> Security Policy: http://wiki.list.org/x/QIA9
> Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/
> Unsubscribe: 
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/options/mailman-users/alexander%40neilson.net.nz
Mailman-Users mailing list Mailman-Users@python.org
Mailman FAQ: http://wiki.list.org/x/AgA3
Security Policy: http://wiki.list.org/x/QIA9
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

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