Is there a succinct way to list "auxiliary" addresses that are configured in a 
list? By "auxiliary" I'm referring to addresses other than member, owner, or 
moderator, since those are easy to find with list_owners and find_members.

I'm trying to practice better list hygiene, and remove all relevant address 
when someone leaves the organization. The best way I've currently found is use 
a foreach loop to grab each list's config.pck and run dumpdb against it. I then 
filter out the uninteresting addresses and manually scan the results for 
relevant addresses.

I can't simply grep the output for relevant addresses, because a subscriber may be allowed (or disallowed) to post from I don't mind the manual scanning, but parsing the output 
if dumped is time consuming. I'm guessing there's a way to grep for the 
relevant settings and all relevant following lines, but my regex skills have 
not been up to the task.

I took a look at, but it appears to 
require that I know the addresses in advance, and not allow me to discover the 
relevant addresses. It also doesn't support ban_list, which is admittedly a 
rare occurrence for me, but I don't know if there are other unincluded settings 
I should be considering.

I suppose this raises a question of other possible list hygiene best-practices. 
Besides removing subscriptions and removing/reassigning administrator or 
moderator responsibilities, when else should I be doing to clean up when 
someone leaves?



Matthew Needham

The HDF Group
1800 South Oak Street, Suite 203
Champaign, IL 61820

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