> Hi all, greetings Mark Sapiro.
> I have made the settings you provided me Mark Sapiro, but still does not
> work, and even though I check can not find the error.
> Run the command you indicated me, Mark Sapiro
> [root@lab log]# postconf -n
> alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
> alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
> command_directory = /usr/sbin
> config_directory = /etc/postfix
> daemon_directory = /usr/libexec/postfix
> data_directory = /var/lib/postfix
> debug_peer_level = 2
> html_directory = no
> inet_interfaces = localhost
> inet_protocols = ipv4
> local_recipient_maps = proxy:unix:passwd.byname $alias_maps
> mail_owner = postfix
> mailq_path = /usr/bin/mailq.postfix
> manpage_directory = /usr/share/man
> mydestination = $mydomain, localhost.$mydomain, $myhostname localhost
> mydomain = lab.company.net
> myhostname = lista.$mydomain
> mynetworks = $mydomain [::ffff:]/104 [::1]/128
> newaliases_path = /usr/bin/newaliases.postfix
> queue_directory = /var/spool/postfix
> readme_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix-2.6.6/README_FILES
> recipient_delimiter = +
> sample_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix-2.6.6/samples
> sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail.postfix
> setgid_group = postdrop
> unknown_local_recipient_reject_code = 550
> [root@lab log]#
> Then locate the configuration file
> [root@lab /]# find / -iname mm_cfg.py
> /usr/lib/mailman/Mailman/mm_cfg.py
> /etc/mailman/mm_cfg.py
> I accessed to the directory
> [root@lab /]# cd /usr/lib/mailman/Mailman/
> And I proceeded to see the configuration.
> [root@lab Mailman]# cat mm_cfg.py
> # -*- python -*-
> # Copyright (C) 1998,1999,2000,2001,2002 by the Free Software Foundation,
> Inc.
> #
> # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
> # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
> # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
> # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
> #
> # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
> # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
> # GNU General Public License for more details.
> #
> # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
> # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
> # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
> USA.
> """This module contains your site-specific settings.
> From a brand new distribution it should be copied to mm_cfg.py.  If you
> already have an mm_cfg.py, be careful to add in only the new settings you
> want.  Mailman's installation procedure will never overwrite your
> mm_cfg.py
> file.
> The complete set of distributed defaults, with documentation, are in the
> file
> Defaults.py.  In mm_cfg.py, override only those you want to change, after
> the
>   from Defaults import *
> line (see below).
> Note that these are just default settings; many can be overridden via the
> administrator and user interfaces on a per-list or per-user basis.
> """
> ###############################################
> # Here's where we get the distributed defaults.
> from Defaults import *
> import pwd, grp
> ##################################################
> # Put YOUR site-specific settings below this line.
> #ATTENTION: when you use SELinux, mailman might not
> #be able to recompile the configuration file
> #due to policy settings. If this is the case,
> #please run (as root) the supplied "mailman-update-cfg" script
> ##############################################################
> #    Here's where we override shipped defaults with settings #
> #    suitable for the RPM package.                           #
> MAILMAN_UID = pwd.getpwnam('mailman')[2]
> MAILMAN_GID = grp.getgrnam('mailman')[2]
> ##############################################################
> #    Set URL and email domain names                          #
> #
> # Mailman needs to know about (at least) two fully-qualified domain
> # names (fqdn)
> #
> # 1) the hostname used in your urls (DEFAULT_URL_HOST)
> # 2) the hostname used in email addresses for your domain
> #
> # For example, if people visit your Mailman system with
> # "http://www.dom.ain/mailman"; then your url fqdn is "www.dom.ain",
> # and if people send mail to your system via "yourl...@dom.ain" then
> # your email fqdn is "dom.ain".  DEFAULT_URL_HOST controls the former,
> # and DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST controls the latter.  Mailman also needs to
> # know how to map from one to the other (this is especially important
> # if you're running with virtual domains).  You use
> # "add_virtualhost(urlfqdn, emailfqdn)" to add new mappings.
> # Default to using the FQDN of machine mailman is running on.
> # If this is not correct for your installation delete the following 5
> # lines that acquire the FQDN and manually edit the hosts instead.
> from socket import *
> try:
>     fqdn = getfqdn()
> except:
>     fqdn = 'mm_cfg_has_unknown_host_domains'
> #DEFAULT_URL_HOST   = 'xxxx.xxxx.net'
> #DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST = 'xxxx.xxxx.net'
> DEFAULT_URL_HOST   = 'lab.company.net'
> DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST = 'lab.company.net'
> SMTPHOST = 'lab.company.net'
> # Because we've overriden the virtual hosts above add_virtualhost
> # MUST be called after they have been defined.
> ##############################################################
> # Put YOUR site-specific configuration below, in mm_cfg.py . #
> # See Defaults.py for explanations of the values.            #
> # Note - if you're looking for something that is imported from mm_cfg, but
> you
> # didn't find it above, it's probably in Defaults.py.
> [root@lab Mailman]#
> I think that it is correctly made, check the directory to see the contents
> and check other settings.
> [root@lab mailman]# ls -lrt
> total 36
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root mailman 14100 Jul 24  2015 sitelist.cfg
> -rw-rw---- 1 root mailman  3038 Jul 13 11:11 aliases
> -rw-r----- 1 root mailman 12288 Jul 13 11:11 aliases.db
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root mailman    34 Jul 13 12:33 mm_cfg.py ->
> /usr/lib/mailman/Mailman/mm_cfg.py
> -rw-r----- 1 root mailman    41 Jul 22 08:59 adm.pw
> Aliases file
> [root@lab mailman]# cat aliases
> # This file is generated by Mailman, and is kept in sync with the
> # binary hash file aliases.db.  YOU SHOULD NOT MANUALLY EDIT THIS FILE
> # unless you know what you're doing, and can keep the two files properly
> # in sync.  If you screw it up, you're on your own.
> # The ultimate loop stopper address
> mailman-loop: /var/lib/mailman/data/owner-bounces.mbox
> # STANZA START: sistemas.rancid
> # CREATED: Wed Jul 13 11:10:06 2016
> sistemas.rancid:             "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman post
> sistemas.rancid"
> sistemas.rancid-admin:       "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman admin
> sistemas.rancid"
> sistemas.rancid-bounces:     "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman bounces
> sistemas.rancid"
> sistemas.rancid-confirm:     "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman confirm
> sistemas.rancid"
> sistemas.rancid-join:        "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman join
> sistemas.rancid"
> sistemas.rancid-leave:       "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman leave
> sistemas.rancid"
> sistemas.rancid-owner:       "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman owner
> sistemas.rancid"
> sistemas.rancid-request:     "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman request
> sistemas.rancid"
> sistemas.rancid-subscribe:   "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman subscribe
> sistemas.rancid"
> sistemas.rancid-unsubscribe: "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman unsubscribe
> sistemas.rancid"
> # STANZA END: sistemas.rancid
> # STANZA START: man.rancid
> # CREATED: Wed Jul 13 11:11:02 2016
> man.rancid:             "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman post man.rancid"
> man.rancid-admin:       "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman admin man.rancid"
> man.rancid-bounces:     "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman bounces
> man.rancid"
> man.rancid-confirm:     "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman confirm
> man.rancid"
> man.rancid-join:        "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman join man.rancid"
> man.rancid-leave:       "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman leave man.rancid"
> man.rancid-owner:       "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman owner man.rancid"
> man.rancid-request:     "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman request
> man.rancid"
> man.rancid-subscribe:   "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman subscribe
> man.rancid"
> man.rancid-unsubscribe: "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman unsubscribe
> man.rancid"
> # STANZA END: man.rancid
> File sitelist.cfg
> [root@lab mailman]# cat sitelist.cfg
> ## "mailman" mailing list configuration settings -*- python -*-
> ## captured on Sat Mar 22 00:21:06 2003
> ## Mailman - The GNU Mailing List Management System
> ## Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
> ## 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
> ## General options
> #
> # Fundamental list characteristics, including descriptive info and basic
> # behaviors.
> # The capitalization of this name can be changed to make it presentable
> # in polite company as a proper noun, or to make an acronym part all
> # upper case, etc.  However, the name will be advertised as the email
> # address (e.g., in subscribe confirmation notices), so it should not be
> # otherwise altered.  (Email addresses are not case sensitive, but they
> # are sensitive to almost everything else :-)
> real_name = 'Mailman'
> # This description is used when the mailing list is listed with other
> # mailing lists, or in headers, and so forth.  It should be as succinct
> # as you can get it, while still identifying what the list is.
> description = 'Mailman site list'
> # This text will be prepended to subject lines of messages posted to the
> # list, to distinguish mailing list messages in in mailbox summaries.
> # Brevity is premium here, it's ok to shorten long mailing list names to
> # something more concise, as long as it still identifies the mailing
> # list.
> subject_prefix = '[Mailman Site List] '
> # List moderators (and list administrators) are sent daily reminders of
> # requests pending approval, like subscriptions to a moderated list, or
> # postings that are being held for one reason or another.  Setting this
> # option causes notices to be sent immediately on the arrival of new
> # requests as well.
> #
> # legal values are:
> #    0 = "No"
> #    1 = "Yes"
> admin_immed_notify = 1
> # Should administrator get notices of subscribes and unsubscribes?
> #
> # legal values are:
> #    0 = "No"
> #    1 = "Yes"
> admin_notify_mchanges = 1
> # Approval notices are sent when mail triggers certain of the limits
> # except routine list moderation and spam filters, for which notices are
> # not sent.  This option overrides ever sending the notice.
> #
> # legal values are:
> #    0 = "No"
> #    1 = "Yes"
> respond_to_post_requests = 1
> ## Nondigest options
> #
> # Policies concerning immediately delivered list traffic.
> # Can subscribers choose to receive mail immediately, rather than in
> # batched digests?
> #
> # legal values are:
> #    0 = "No"
> #    1 = "Yes"
> nondigestable = 1
> # Normally, Mailman sends the regular delivery messages to the mail
> # server in batches.  This is much more efficent because it reduces the
> # amount of traffic between Mailman and the mail server.
> #
> # However, some lists can benefit from a more personalized approach.  In
> # this case, Mailman crafts a new message for each member on the regular
> # delivery list.  Turning this feature on may degrade the performance of
> # your site, so you need to carefully consider whether the trade-off is
> # worth it, or whether there are other ways to accomplish what you want.
> # You should also carefully monitor your system load to make sure it is
> # acceptable.
> #
> # Select No to disable personalization and send messages to the members
> # in batches.  Select Yes to personalize deliveries and allow additional
> # substitution variables in message headers and footers (see below).  In
> # addition, by selecting Full Personalization, the To header of posted
> # messages will be modified to include the member's address instead of
> # the list's posting address.
> #
> # When personalization is enabled, a few more expansion variables that
> # can be included in the <a href="?VARHELP=nondigest/msg_header">message
> # header and message footer.
> #
> # These additional substitution variables will be available for your
> # headers and footers, when this feature is enabled:
> #
> # user_address - The address of the user, coerced to lower case.
> # user_delivered_to - The case-preserved address that the user is
> # subscribed with. user_password - The user's password. user_name - The
> # user's full name. user_optionsurl - The url to the user's option page.
> #
> #
> #
> # legal values are:
> #    0 = "No"
> #    1 = "Yes"
> #    2 = "Full Personalization"
> personalize = 1
> # Text appended to the bottom of every immediately-delivery message.
> # This text can include Python format strings which are resolved against
> # list attributes.  The list of substitutions allowed are:
> #
> #
> # real_name - The `pretty' name of the list; usually the list name with
> # capitalization.
> #
> # list_name - The name by which the list is identified in URLs, where
> # case is significant.  (For backwards compability, _internal_name is
> # equivalent.)
> #
> # host_name - The fully qualified domain name that the list server runs
> # on.
> #
> # web_page_url - The base URL for Mailman.  This can be appended with,
> # e.g. listinfo/%(internal_name)s to yield the listinfo page for the
> # mailing list.
> #
> # description - The brief description of the mailing list.
> #
> # info - The full description of the mailing list.
> #
> # cgiext - The extension added to CGI scripts.
> #
> #
> msg_footer = """_______________________________________________
> %(real_name)s site list
> %(real_name)s@%(host_name)s
> %(web_page_url)slistinfo%(cgiext)s/%(_internal_name)s"""
> ## Digest options
> #
> # Batched-delivery digest characteristics.
> # Can list members choose to receive list traffic bunched in digests?
> #
> # legal values are:
> #    0 = "No"
> #    1 = "Yes"
> digestable = 0
> ## Privacy options
> #
> # This section allows you to configure subscription and membership
> # exposure policy.  You can also control whether this list is public or
> # not.  See also the <a
> # href="http://www.wooz.org/mailman/admin/mailman/archive";>Archival
> # Options</a> section for separate archive-related privacy settings.
> # Advertise this list when people ask what lists are on this machine?
> #
> # legal values are:
> #    0 = "No"
> #    1 = "Yes"
> advertised = 0
> # Confirm (*) - email confirmation required Require approval - require
> # list administrator approval for subscriptions Confirm and approve -
> # both confirm and approve
> #
> # (*) when someone requests a subscription, Mailman sends them a notice
> # with a unique subscription request number that they must reply to in
> # order to subscribe. This prevents mischievous (or malicious) people
> # from creating subscriptions for others without their consent.
> #
> # legal values are:
> #    1 = "Confirm"
> #    2 = "Require approval"
> #    3 = "Confirm and approve"
> subscribe_policy = 2
> # When members want to leave a list, they will make an unsubscription
> # request, either via the web or via email. Normally it is best for you
> # to allow open unsubscriptions so that users can easily remove
> # themselves from mailing lists (they get really upset if they can't get
> # off lists!).
> #
> # For some lists though, you may want to impose moderator approval
> # before an unsubscription request is processed.  Examples of such lists
> # include a corporate mailing list that all employees are required to be
> # members of.
> #
> # legal values are:
> #    0 = "No"
> #    1 = "Yes"
> unsubscribe_policy = 0
> # Addresses in this list are banned outright from subscribing to this
> # mailing list, with no further moderation required.  Add addresses one
> # per line; start the line with a ^ character to designate a regular
> # expression match.
> ban_list = []
> # When set, the list of subscribers is protected by member or admin
> # password authentication.
> #
> # legal values are:
> #    0 = "Anyone"
> #    1 = "List members"
> #    2 = "List admin only"
> private_roster = 2
> # Setting this option causes member email addresses to be transformed
> # when they are presented on list web pages (both in text and as links),
> # so they're not trivially recognizable as email addresses.  The
> # intention is to prevent the addresses from being snarfed up by
> # automated web scanners for use by spammers.
> #
> # legal values are:
> #    0 = "No"
> #    1 = "Yes"
> obscure_addresses = 1
> ## Privacy options
> #
> # When a message is posted to the list, a series of moderation steps are
> # take to decide whether the a moderator must first approve the message
> # or not.  This section contains the controls for moderation of both
> # member and non-member postings.
> #
> # <p>Member postings are held for moderation if their <b>moderation
> # flag</b> is turned on.  You can control whether member postings are
> # moderated by default or not.
> #
> # <p>Non-member postings can be automatically <a
> # href="?VARHELP=privacy/sender/accept_these_nonmembers" >accepted</a>,
> # <a href="?VARHELP=privacy/sender/hold_these_nonmembers">held for
> # moderation</a>, <a
> # href="?VARHELP=privacy/sender/reject_these_nonmembers" >rejected</a>
> # (bounced), or <a
> # href="?VARHELP=privacy/sender/discard_these_nonmembers"
> # >discarded</a>, either individually or as a group.  Any posting from a
> # non-member who is not explicitly accepted, rejected, or discarded,
> # will have their posting filtered by the <a
> # href="?VARHELP=privacy/sender/generic_nonmember_action">general
> # non-member rules</a>.
> #
> # <p>In the text boxes below, add one address per line; start the line
> # with a ^ character to designate a <a href=
> # "http://docs.python.org/library/re.html"; >Python regular
> # expression</a>.  When entering backslashes, do so as if you were using
> # Python raw strings (i.e. you generally just use a single backslash).
> #
> # <p>Note that non-regexp matches are always done first.
> # Each list member has a moderation flag which says whether messages
> # from the list member can be posted directly to the list, or must first
> # be approved by the list moderator.  When the moderation flag is turned
> # on, list member postings must be approved first.  You, the list
> # administrator can decide whether a specific individual's postings will
> # be moderated or not.
> #
> # When a new member is subscribed, their initial moderation flag takes
> # its value from this option.  Turn this option off to accept member
> # postings by default.  Turn this option on to, by default, moderate
> # member postings first.  You can always manually set an individual
> # member's moderation bit by using the membership management screens.
> #
> # legal values are:
> #    0 = "No"
> #    1 = "Yes"
> default_member_moderation = 0
> # Hold -- this holds the message for approval by the list moderators.
> #
> # Reject -- this automatically rejects the message by sending a bounce
> # notice to the post's author.  The text of the bounce notice can be <a
> # href="?VARHELP=privacy/sender/member_moderation_notice" >configured by
> # you.
> #
> # Discard -- this simply discards the message, with no notice sent to
> # the post's author.
> #
> #
> # legal values are:
> #    0 = "Hold"
> #    1 = "Reject"
> #    2 = "Discard"
> member_moderation_action = 1
> # When a post from a non-member is received, the message's sender is
> # matched against the list of explicitly <a
> # href="?VARHELP=privacy/sender/accept_these_nonmembers" >accepted,
> # held, <a href="?VARHELP=privacy/sender/reject_these_nonmembers"
> # >rejected (bounced), and <a
> # href="?VARHELP=privacy/sender/discard_these_nonmembers" >discarded
> # addresses.  If no match is found, then this action is taken.
> #
> # legal values are:
> #    0 = "Accept"
> #    1 = "Hold"
> #    2 = "Reject"
> #    3 = "Discard"
> generic_nonmember_action = 2
> # Should messages from non-members, which are automatically discarded,
> # be forwarded to the list moderator?
> #
> # legal values are:
> #    0 = "No"
> #    1 = "Yes"
> forward_auto_discards = 1
> ## Bounce options
> #
> # These policies control the automatic bounce processing system in
> # Mailman.  Here's an overview of how it works.
> #
> # <p>When a bounce is received, Mailman tries to extract two pieces of
> # information from the message: the address of the member the message
> # was intended for, and the severity of the problem causing the bounce.
> # The severity can be either <em>hard</em> or <em>soft</em> meaning
> # either a fatal error occurred, or a transient error occurred.  When in
> # doubt, a hard severity is used.
> #
> # <p>If no member address can be extracted from the bounce, then the
> # bounce is usually discarded.  Otherwise, each member is assigned a
> # <em>bounce score</em> and every time we encounter a bounce from this
> # member we increment the score.  Hard bounces increment by 1 while soft
> # bounces increment by 0.5.  We only increment the bounce score once per
> # day, so even if we receive ten hard bounces from a member per day,
> # their score will increase by only 1 for that day.
> #
> # <p>When a member's bounce score is greater than the <a
> # href="?VARHELP=bounce/bounce_score_threshold">bounce score
> # threshold</a>, the subscription is disabled.  Once disabled, the
> # member will not receive any postings from the list until their
> # membership is explicitly re-enabled (either by the list administrator
> # or the user).  However, they will receive occasional reminders that
> # their membership has been disabled, and these reminders will include
> # information about how to re-enable their membership.
> #
> # <p>You can control both the <a
> # href="?VARHELP=bounce/bounce_you_are_disabled_warnings">number of
> # reminders</a> the member will receive and the <a
> # href="?VARHELP=bounce/bounce_you_are_disabled_warnings_interval"
> # >frequency</a> with which these reminders are sent.
> #
> # <p>There is one other important configuration variable; after a
> # certain period of time -- during which no bounces from the member are
> # received -- the bounce information is <a
> # href="?VARHELP=bounce/bounce_info_stale_after">considered stale</a>
> # and discarded.  Thus by adjusting this value, and the score threshold,
> # you can control how quickly bouncing members are disabled.  You should
> # tune both of these to the frequency and traffic volume of your list.
> # By setting this value to No, you disable all automatic bounce
> # processing for this list, however bounce messages will still be
> # discarded so that the list administrator isn't inundated with them.
> #
> # legal values are:
> #    0 = "No"
> #    1 = "Yes"
> bounce_processing = 1
> ## Archive options
> #
> # List traffic archival policies.
> # Is archive file source for public or private archival?
> #
> # legal values are:
> #    0 = "public"
> #    1 = "private"
> archive_private = 1
> [root@lab mailman]#
> I do not know which file should I check further to see why not send it
> email or test can perform to check Can you help me? Greetings and thank
> you
> This e-mail is intended exclusively for the individual or entity to which
> it is addressed
> and may contain confidential or legally privileged information,  which may
> not be disclosed under current legislation. Any form of disclosure, copying
> or distribution of this e-mail is strictly prohibited, save with written
> authorisation . If you have received this message in error, please notify
> the sender immediately by e-mail and delete all copies of the message.
Mailman-Users mailing list Mailman-Users@python.org
Mailman FAQ: http://wiki.list.org/x/AgA3
Security Policy: http://wiki.list.org/x/QIA9
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Reply via email to