On 01/03/2017 11:03 AM, Adam Goldberg wrote:
> WS6 uses mailman.  I believe that mailman doesn't suffer from this problem 
> (that is, mailman checks list membership based on the header From: address, 
> not the envelope from address).
> Can someone verify with authority that this is the case?

When Mailman checks list membership, it tests the things listen in the
installation's config (mm_cfg.py) setting for SENDER_HEADERS, the
default for which is

envelope sender

in that order. If one of those contains a list member address, the first
member address found is considered the poster for list
membership/moderation purposes. Otherwise the post is from a non-member.

> (and OT for this list, Does anyone have any insight into why Kavi's ezmlm 
> implementation is acting this way?  FYI, email sent via Amazon AWS SES is 
> sent with an envelope address unique per email (it's explicitly different 
> from the From: header address)).

Some things use envelope sender for verification as it is (or once was)
considered more difficult to spoof.

Mark Sapiro <m...@msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan
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