On 01/12/2018 08:43 AM, Julian H. Stacey wrote:
Is this live sample of an Uncaught bounce notification useful to
forward to developers to extend pattern matching.


I highly doubt it.

The bounce that is in the email you linked to looks to be more an auto-reply than an actual bounce.

The message that Mailman is considering to be an uncaught bounce does not have any of the typical hallmarks of any DSNs or MDNs that I've seen.

 - It is a single text/plain, not the expected multipart/report.
 - It is auto-replied (vacation), not auto-generated (failure).
 - It looks like a message that a human wrote (in two languages.)
 - It has an In-Reply-To header, which I've never seen in DSNs.

My opinion is that this is the exact type of use case for a bounce message to be escalated to a human.

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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